OS Országos Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 2. csütörtök

2021. április 19., hétfő 19:08

A Fidesz közleménye (2. rész)
    Budapest, 2021. április 19., hétfő (OS) - Fidesz representatives in the Council of Europe have joined the European Conservatives Group

    Fidesz representatives in the Council of Europe have joined the European Conservatives Group

The parliamentarians delegated by Fidesz to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE) joined the centre-right group of the European Conservatives–Democratic Alliance today after announcing their resignation from the Group of the European People"s Party over the weekend. Mónika Bartos, Katalin Csöbör, Zsolt Németh, Jenő Manninger, Attila Tilki and Pál Zsigmond Barna took part in the Conservative group’s meeting this morning, partly in person and partly online. At its afternoon meeting, the Political Affairs Committee of CoE elected Zsolt Németh, the candidate of the European Conservatives, as its chairman, a position which was vacant due to the death of the previous chair. The representatives of the Christian People’s Party carry on with their work in the EPP Group.

The Council of Europe is the continent"s largest international human rights organisation with 47 member states. Its two main permanent bodies are the Committee of Ministers, chaired by Hungary from the end of May to November this year, and the Parliamentary Assembly. The European Conservatives are the fourth largest, Christian democrat, right-wing group in the Assembly.

     Kiadó: Fidesz


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